

My Story

Dr Fiona Tassoni, MASc, BHSc Doctor of Chinese Medicine, Registered Chinese Herbal Medicine Practitioner, Registered Acupuncturist, Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher, Fertility Lecturer and World Renowned Fertility Success Coach.

Wow! I can't believe it’s been 25 years since I wrote this in my personal diary… 😲

“I want to become a Doctor of Chinese Medicine and a Holistic Fertility Specialist by the time I am 28 years old.” 🎓

It’s funny how life brings you exactly where you need to be, even when you can’t see it at the time.

In 1997, I was living in London, working as a Legal PA for one of the city’s largest law firms, Norton Rose.

From the outside, it seemed like I had everything under control, but inside, I was struggling.

I had been suffering from excruciating back pain for years. 😔

A water-skiing accident at 15 had left me with an injury that felt like it was stealing my life away, day by day.

The pain was relentless, and no matter how many doctors I saw, no matter how many treatments I tried, nothing could relieve it. 😢

I felt trapped in a body that wouldn’t let me live fully.

Then, one ordinary afternoon, everything changed.

I was walking down Tottenham Court Road, dragging my pain behind me as always, when something caught my eye.

A sign above a small shop read: ‘Traditional Chinese Medicine for Back Pain.’ 🤔

I didn’t stop to think or question.

I was desperate.

Without hesitation, I stepped inside, not knowing that my life was about to shift in a direction I could have never imagined.

I had my first TCM treatment that day.

The week after, I returned for a second. And just like that—after years of agony—something miraculous happened.

The pain I had carried for six long years vanished. It was like a weight lifted off my soul, and for the first time in what felt like forever, I could breathe without pain. 😲

I was free. Free from the prison of my own body.

That was the moment I realized something deeper was at work.

This wasn’t just about healing my back; it was about finding my true calling. 🌿

In that moment of liberation, I knew exactly what I had to do. I decided that I would dedicate my life to healing others.

I wanted to become a Doctor of Chinese Medicine. 🩺

But life wasn’t done with me yet. Fate, as it so often does, had more in store for me.

As I dove into my studies, learning about the ancient wisdom of Chinese Medicine, I was pulled in a new direction—towards fertility, towards empowering women.

It was like the universe had whispered a purpose to me.

I found myself drawn to helping women achieve the thing they wanted most—a family of their own.

The more I worked with women struggling to conceive, the more I realized this was my true passion.

Helping women unlock the power within their bodies to get pregnant naturally became my mission.

Today, I am a Fertility Coach and a Doctor of Chinese Medicine with a Master’s in Herbal Medicine. 💫

It is the most fulfilling, soul-enriching work I could have ever dreamed of.

What started as a young girl’s battle with chronic pain turned into a life’s purpose.

To help women all over the world create the family of their dreams. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦💕

And now, I am here to help you.

I cannot wait to see you take the next step in your own journey and make your dreams a reality.

We’re in this together.

Let’s do this! 😘🎉


Fiona Tassoni is the Director and founder of Solaris Health which is a leading fertility health centre for acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and herbal medicine.

Her passion for women’s health and healing over the past 23 years brings a wealth of knowledge in the area of gynaecology and infertility.

Fiona graduated from Victoria University of Technology in 2001 with a Bachelor of Health Science (Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture) and then went on to complete her Masters of Applied Science at RMIT in 2012 in Chinese Herbal Medicine.

Other licenses and accreditations include Chinese Medicine Registration Board (AHPRA); Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS); and Iyengar Yoga teaching certificate from Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Institute (RIMYI) 2004.

Fiona has trained under Dr Steven Clavey who has written two textbooks for Chinese medicine practitioners, namely, “Chinese Herbal Medicine: Materia Medica, Third Edition” and; “Fluid Physiology and Pathology in Traditional Chinese Medicine.” Steven also edits a professional journal of Chinese medicine called The Lantern.

She has also trained under other fertility experts such as Dr Randine Lewis, Dr Debra Betts, Dr Kirsten Wolfe, and Dr Clare Pyers, all of whom are specialists in treating women’s disorders, with a special interest in infertility and gynaecology.

Fiona primarily focuses on women’s reproductive health conditions such as infertility (natural conception and IVF assisted), pregnancy, preparation for birth, labour and postnatal c

Fiona works with an array of complex health disorders such as endometriosis, ovulatory disorders, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), problems with follicular phase or at ovulation, problems in the luteal phase or at implantation, fibroids, polyps, amenorrhea, auto-immune diseases, anemia, morning sickness, pre-eclampsia, placenta previa, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancies, gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), male infertility and declining sperm counts.

Would you like a FREE copy of Dr Fiona Tassoni's 332 page book, PreConception Miracle for Women Over 40?
Click here: 

How to Work with Me:
- Book a Free 60-Minute Fertility Evaluation Call: 

I’ll show you how to achieve your dream of getting pregnant when over 40, even if you’ve been told it’s impossible! Specializing in helping women over 40, I offer an integrated approach combining my holistic PreConception Method and Chinese Herbal Medicine.  These proven methods work together to support your fertility journey and make your dream of motherhood a reality.

Dr Fiona Tassoni, MASc, BHSc
Doctor of Chinese Medicine
Fertility Success Coach
