Dr Fiona Tassoni, MASc, BHSc

Doctor of Chinese Medicine

Fertility Success Coach

Claim A FREE Copy of My Book And Transform Your Dream Of Pregnancy Into Reality, No Matter The Odds!

FREE BOOK! "PreConception Miracle For Women Over 40"

After years of trying, I finally got pregnant after reading Dr. Fiona Tassoni's' PreConception Miracle For Women Over 40.' Just a few months of following her unique approach, and I couldn't believe I was pregnant! At 44, I'm now expecting my first child.This book was a game-changer for me!" - Melinda Westwood (New York)

Dr Fiona Tassoni's Personal Guarantee:

"If my book doesn’t resonate with you or provide the fertility insights you’re looking for, I’ll offer you a complimentary private fertility consultation. In this session, we'll focus on your unique fertility journey, addressing your specific challenges with tailored advice. I’m confident in the value my book offers, and I’m here to support you every step of the way."

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My Ground Breaking Fertility Book And My PreConception Method, Will Help You To...

  • Discover New Methods For Your Natural Conception Journey
  • Explore Ways to Minimize Your IVF Cycles to Reduce Costs
  • Control Emotional Anxiety and Calm your Nervous System
  • Learn New Ways to Manage Perimenopause and Menopause
  • Embrace PreConception and Manage PCOS and Endometriosis

My Book Sells For $39.90 On Amazon

...but I bought it for you!


"The Most Controversial Fertility Book Ever Written for Women Over 40!"

14 Compelling Fertility Chapters

  • Chapter 1: Understanding The Male & Female Reproductive Systems & The Link To Fertility
  • Chapter 2: ​The Truth About Infertility When Over 40
  • Chapter 3: The Unison Of Chinese Medicine And Western Medicine For Women Over 40
  • Chapter 4: ​The 4 Menstrual Phases And Their Key Processes
  • Chapter 5: ​Optimizing Nutrition For Each Menstrual Phase: The Best Foods To Eat
  • Chapter 6: Conceiving Guidelines For Women Over 40
  • Chapter 7: The Holistic Approach To Improving Fertility For Women Over 40
  • Chapter 8: Enhancing Fertility Through Liver Detox: Understanding The Benefits & Effective Techniques
  • Chapter 9: Understanding Your Hormonal Profile and Fertility Tests
  • Chapter 10: Optimizing Fertility with Chinese Herbs and Supplements
  • Chapter 11: Medical Conditions And Their Impact On Fertility For Women Over 40
  • Chapter 12: Techniques To Boost Fertility & Reproductive Health
  • Chapter 13: A Guide To The Best Fertility Supplements And Vitamins
  • Chapter 14: Tantra: The Art Of Sexual Ecstasy

Grab Your FREE 332-Page Book:

Explore New Holistic Insights to Support Your Fertility Journey!

Thinking of trying IVF or have lost hope after several failed IVF cycles? With my PRECONCEPTION MIRACLE FOR WOMEN OVER-40 book, you will be filled with optimism and a specific, personalised plan for moving forward.

Remember, 40 is the new 30 and today, more then ever, conceiving in your 40s or even later is becoming common place.

However, doing the same thing month after month, year after year and expecting a different outcome, is not the way to get pregnant at 40.

Instead, you need to first find the root cause of your fertility issue, fix it and then get your body ready for pregnancy.In my book, I will address a range of common conceiving problems faced by many women today in their 40's and show you how to manage the odds with these fertility issues, even if you have the following:

  • Difficulty getting pregnant in your 40's
  • PCOS and Endometriosis
  • Premature Ovarian Failure
  • Recurrent Miscarriages
  • Fallopian Tube Obstruction
  • Have Low AMH and High FSH
  • Uterine Fibroids
  • Repeated donor egg failures
  • Male Infertility & restoring sperm
  • Perimenopause and Menopause
  • Ectopic Pregnancies
  • Natural or IVF pregnancy
  • Autoimmune Diseases

Dr Fiona Tassoni, MASc, BHSc

Doctor of Chinese Medicine, Registered Chinese Herbal Medicine Practitioner, Registered Acupuncturist, Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher, Fertility Lecturer and World Renowned Fertility Coach.

Fiona Tassoni is the Director and founder of Solaris Health which is a leading fertility health centre for acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and herbal medicine.

Her passion for women’s health and healing over the past 24 years brings a wealth of knowledge in the area of gynaecology and infertility.

Fiona graduated from Victoria University of Technology in 2001 with a Bachelor of Health Science (Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture) and then went on to complete her Masters of Applied Science at RMIT in 2012 in Chinese Herbal Medicine.​

Other licenses and accreditations include Chinese Medicine Registration Board (AHPRA); Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS); and Iyengar Yoga teaching certificate from Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Institute (RIMYI) 2004.

Ground Breaking Fertility Method!

'PRECONCEPTION MIRACLE FOR WOMEN OVER-40' ...Trusted by Countless Women Around The World On Their Fertility Journey!​

  • Are you trying to get pregnant but facing challenges? My free book, "PreConception Miracle for Women Over 40," is designed specifically to help women who are trying to get pregnant later in life. My book offers expert advice, proven strategies, and holistic approaches to increase your chances of conceiving naturally.
  • If you are trying to get pregnant and feel overwhelmed by the journey, this guide provides the support and information you need to achieve your dream of becoming pregnant over 40
  • Many women over 40 are trying to get pregnant and need specialized guidance to navigate the unique challenges they face. My book addresses the specific needs of women who are trying to get pregnant at this stage in their lives.
  • Includes detailed information on enhancing fertility, improving egg quality, and preparing your body for pregnancy. By following the strategies outlined in "PreConception Miracle for Women Over 40" you can increase your chances of becoming pregnant over 40 and start your journey to motherhood with confidence.
  • "PreConception Miracle for Women Over 40" is filled with success stories from women who were trying to get pregnant and successfully conceived. These real-life experiences provide inspiration and practical tips for anyone trying to get pregnant later in life. If you are trying to get pregnant and feeling discouraged, these stories will remind you that becoming pregnant over 40 is possible with the right knowledge and support.

Get My FREE Book Now Before I Sell Out!

Why Would I Do This You're Probably Wondering?

Well, there are actually a few reasons...

First - it's my way of saying THANK YOU for Ordering the "PRECONCEPTION MIRACLE FOR WOMEN OVER-40" book.

Second - It gives me the ability to get another of my products into your hands, which will help you on your journey to pregnancy, and hopefully keep you around long-term as a customer.

I'm a big believer in over-delivering in every interaction we have together...​

and I want that to start RIGHT NOW for you as you are waiting for my book to arrive!

The Question Is, Are YOU Next?

As I mentioned before, my book is free. All I ask is that you help me cover the postage costs of US$9.95 in US ($19.95 International)​

Oh, and in case you're wondering...

There Is NO CATCH!

I know there are some websites out there that offer you something cool for free, but then stick you into some program that charges your card every month.

This isn't one of them.

There's NO hidden "continuity program" - and in case you're wondering why I'm doing this...

Well, there are actually a few reasons...

  • It's my way of empowering women over-40 who strive to have a family of their own, no matter what the odds.
  • I like to share my knowledge knowing that when you see how awesome it is, you will be excited to have me help you on your journey to pregnancy.
  • It's my mission in life to help women over-40 make the correct decisions for their bodies and their family.

Time Is Of The Essence...

Here's why...

I've only printed two thousand copies of this book, and when they're gone... well, they're gone!

If this page is still here, then the offer is live. But I reserve the right to pull it down at any time.

Here Is My "You've Gotta Be Crazy" Guarantee

I 100% guarantee that you'll love my new book, or I'll return your shipping cost and let you keep the book anyway.

That's right. You don't even have to send anything back. Just email me or call the number on your receipt and I'll give you back your money with no questions asked.

Sound fair?

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I hope you enjoy the book!

Dr Fiona Tassoni, MASc, BHSc
Doctor of Chinese Medicine
Fertility Success Coach

P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

I'm mailing you my "PRECONCEPTION MIRACLE FOR WOMEN OVER-40" book for FREE.

Yes, this book is free, and all you pay is just US$9.95 Shipping & Handling in the US ($19.95 International).

PLUS, you receive FREE my 6 x Crash Course Bonus Fertility Vidoes Valued at $582.00! YES,all FREE!

There's no catch... no gimmicks... You will NOT be signing up for any "trial" to some monthly program or anything like that.

If fact, if you don't love the book - I'll even refund your shipping costs (and you don't have to ship the book back) plus you keep ll your FREE bonuses!

So, Click the button below to get your FREE copy now. You won't regret it.

This Is Truly A Limited Offer, So Claim Your FREE Copy Now Before They're All Gone...